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Process & Piping design holds a pivotal role in engineering projects and the functionality of process plants. The discipline of piping engineering focuses on creating streamlined processes for the secure conveyance of fluids and gases within industrial facilities. A well-designed piping system not only maximizes spatial efficiency but also facilitates straightforward construction, simplifies maintenance and accessibility, and contributes to the enhanced overall performance of the entire piping infrastructure.
Altegya delivers full process & piping engineering services including:
Process Engineering
Basis of Design
Process Description
Block Flow Diagram
Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs)
Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs)
Utility P&ID’s and Distribution Diagrams
Process Equipment’s Sizing & preparation of equipment specifications
Pump Selection & Sizing Calculations
Pressure drop calculations
Relief Valve Sizing
System Hydraulic and Line Sizing Calculations
Preparation of Line list
Instrument process data
Heat and Material Balance
Utility Balance
Participation in HAZOP & HAZID
Piping Engineering
Cost-efficiency and safety are key components when designing piping and layout on a platform, an FPSO or an onshore plant. Space management is vital in the conceptual and detailed design phase –Altegya has the tools and experience to solve these issues in the best possible manner. Our experience within piping and layout design includes:
Mechanical piping design is done according to ASME B31.1 / B31.3 / EN13480, etc. standards.
Piping Layout
Equipment Arrangement
Escape Routes
Above/Underground (Civil/Piping/E&I)
Fire Areas
Construction Constraints
Pipe supports and hangers– Standard and Special Supports
Pipe stress analysis (CAESAR-II) – Static and Dynamic
Isometrics – Generation from PDS/PDMS
Clash check, MTO’s, Nozzle Orientation drgs
Check of allowable loads on nozzles (pumps, static equipment, etc) as per WRC-107
Piping and Equipment Layouts
As built 3D modeling using PDS,PDMS or SP3D
Stress analysis of ducting systems by Finite Element Analysis